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Render Token


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Render Token (RNDR) History and Overview

Render Token (RNDR) History and Overview

Render (RNDR) is a decentralized peer-to-peer network that leverages the underutilized graphics processing units (GPUs) of its users to provide digital rendering services. This innovative platform addresses the inefficiency in the GPU market by allowing users with idle computing power to rent it out to those in need of additional resources for tasks such as video processing, gaming, NFT creation, or metaverse development. Similar to how Storj operates with digital storage, Render utilizes blockchain technology to distribute processing power instead of storage space. The live Render Token to EUR conversion is € 8.03.

Founded in 2017 by Jules Urbach, who also established the cloud graphics company OTOY, Render was initially built on the Ethereum blockchain. OTOY, known for its contributions to movie making, video game development, and virtual reality, has been instrumental in running Render. The platform aims to democratize and decentralize the process of building mixed reality experiences and streaming 3D environments. In January 2023, the strategic management of Render was transitioned to the newly established Render Network Foundation, although OTOY and other partners like Swatchbook and MR Studios continue to support the project with engineering and development services.

Render operates by pairing computers (nodes) with available GPU power with creators who require rendering services. This matchmaking process is facilitated through the Render network, where creators submit jobs and pledge RNDR tokens based on the job's requirements. Render offers different pricing tiers, allowing creators to choose between cost and speed according to their needs. Jobs are assigned to node operators based on the creator's reputation and the node operator's reliability. Once a job is completed, it is returned to the creator for approval. It's important to note that while transactions on the Render Network are recorded on the blockchain, the actual job details and completion are handled off-chain.

In an effort to refine its token economics, the Render community voted in January 2023 to implement a burn and mint equilibrium (BME) mechanism. This system ensures that all Render jobs, priced in fiat, require creators to purchase RNDR tokens, with 95% of these tokens being burned and 5% allocated to the Render Network Foundation. The protocol then mints new tokens to compensate node operators for their contributions. This model positions RNDR as a commodity asset with a controlled supply, potentially leading to deflationary pressure depending on network usage.

The RNDR crypto token, originally an ERC-20 token on Ethereum, serves multiple purposes within the Render ecosystem. It is primarily used to facilitate payments for rendering jobs through the BME mechanism and enables token holders to participate in community governance via a DAO. With a theoretical maximum supply of approximately 644 million RNDR tokens, the introduction of the BME mechanism signals the community's intention to make RNDR deflationary over time. The current price of 1 RNDR in EUR is € 8.03.

Render stands out in the blockchain space by connecting individuals needing GPU power with those who have excess capacity, thereby facilitating a wide range of digital creation activities. Through its innovative use of blockchain technology, Render not only optimizes the utilization of GPU resources but also contributes to the broader development of the digital and mixed reality landscapes.

How To Buy Render Token or Add it to your Strategy

The fastest, most convenient way to purchase Render Token is to purchase it on ICONOMI. We check Render Token live prices on 10+ crypto exchanges and buy it at the best market price.

You can buy Render Token by adding it to your private Crypto Strategy (crypto portfolio). You can also use our recurring buy feature that tends to level out cryptocurrency price volatility effects. You can find out more about how to benefit from smaller investments at regular intervals on our blog article.

We recommend you do your own research and cryptocurrency analysis. Experienced crypto traders use fundamental and technical analysis to evaluate if Render Token is a good buy/sell. Fundamental and technical analyses are the two most common types of analysis used in trading traditional assets (e.g. stocks and bonds).

If you are unfamiliar with analyzing cryptocurrency prices and want to buy Render Token, we recommend you read the next section, as copying might be a better approach.

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If you are not skilled at these, consider a different approach to investing in cryptocurrencies. You can learn from and copy seasoned crypto traders on ICONOMI who regularly share their insights and manage their public Crypto Strategies. Go to the strategies page and use the “ticker” filter to find out which public Crypto Strategies have Render Token in their structure.


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20 Apr, 2024

The BTC halving has already occurred. Based on the past (which is not a guarantee for the future, but still provides some guidance in this industry), you can see in this link what happened after the previous halving. BTC has not yet (only upside) emerged from this rainbow curve. The graph has a neat feature that when you touch a point, it displays the date and price. The trend is UP ! $NEAR $AR $RNDR $FET 🚀

6 people like this
14 Apr, 2024


Infrastructure Applications sector











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2 people like this
11 Apr, 2024

Rebalans naše strategije ⚖️

Pravkar smo zaključili rebalans portfelja Titanium Crypto. Zavzemamo se za stalno optimizacijo portfelja, da bi dosegli dolgoročno povečanje vrednosti za naše vlagatelje.

Alokacija Bitcoin ($BTC) po rebalansu znaša 30%, Ethereum ($ETH) zanaša 15%. Povečali smo alokacijo Solane ($SOL) v portfelju na 7%. Menimo, da ima Solana velik dolgoročni potencial in prispeva k večji diverzifikaciji.

Portfelj smo racionalizirali tako, da smo odstranili tokene s slabšimi rezultati, kot je $NANO, saj je ta že zelo dolgo v padanju, ne samo zaradi cene, ampak tudi zaradi tega, ker ga je zapustila skupnost, zato smo se odločili, da token odstranimo iz našega portfelja. $JASMY je bil odstranjen zaradi prevelike volatilnosti. Ta premik je skladen z našim osredotočanjem na uveljavljene izdelke in storitve Web3 z dolgoročnim potencialom v DeFi (decentraliziranih financah).

V portfelj smo dodali tokene Aptos ($APT), Stacks (STX), Render ($RNDR) in SingularityNET ($AGIX), medtem ko smo ohranili token Injective ($INJ), da bi izkoristili nastajajoče trende na področju Layer 1 blockchaina, decentralizirano računalništvo v oblaku in uveljavljene DEX-e (decentraliziranih exchange-ov) in seveda glavni trend AI .

Portfelje Titanium Crypto smo rebalansirali, tako da smo prilagodili alokacijo več tokenov po 3%. Ta strateška prilagoditev omogoča bolj uravnotežen in razpršen portfelj, kar potencialno zmanjšuje tveganje in se bolje usklajuje s trenutnimi tržnimi razmerami.

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Basic rule 1 with investing is that you should diversify. Putting everything into one asset can work very positively but also very negatively. In the crypto world, it’s more like gambling when you bet on one asset and it’s also very risky. Investing is also more of a long-term thing where you set goals for yourself. When do I take profit, when do I buy more. How do you bring diversity into a crypto basket? Our Straight-Up-Trading portfolio consists of a mix of Crypto tokens that are widely supported by communities, which have also shown their strength in bear markets and which also differ from each other. So we’re in Gaming, in AI, in GPU rendering, Scaling and DeFi. A nice mix of successful Crypto projects. The forecast for this Bull cycle is that we’ll reach the top of the cycle by the end of next year. But it remains a forecast, nothing is certain in life. We can only do our best to do good reaearch, select good projects for you that contribute something to the blockchain market. $NEAR $FET $RNDR $AR

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Blockchain Index
2 Apr, 2024

We have rebalanced BLX according to our pre-set structure.

Injective Protocol $INJ, VeChain $VET, and Lido DAO $LDO have fallen out of our structure parameters, while Arbitrum $ARB, Cronos $CRO, Maker $MKR, Render Token $RNDR , Stacks $STX, The Graph $GRT have been added with 0.36%, 0.34%, 0.29%, 0.32%, 0.44% and 0.3% weight, respectively.

Among existing assets, the main changes were on $BNB and $SOL, with 0.67% and 0.73%, respectively.

5 people like this

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Render Token Price FAQ

What Is the Highest Price of Render Token (RNDR) in EUR?

Render Token (RNDR) price history shows the highest value of 12.02 EUR . We recorded this price on March 18, 2024, but we cannot exclude that a higher price was registered before December 31, 2021.

What Is the Lowest Price of Render Token (RNDR) in EUR?
How to buy Render Token (RNDR)?
What Is the Current Price of Render Token (RNDR) in EUR?
Is Render Token (RNDR) a good investment?