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Terms, Conditions & Policies

Company information

©ICONOMI is the trading name of the following companies:
ICONOMI LTD - A company incorporated in England and Wales under Company Registration number 11087795, with its registered office located at 8 Coldbath Square, London EC1R 5HL, United Kingdom. ICONOMI Limited is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under Reference Number 927859.
Triaconta B.V. - A company incorporated in the Netherlands, registered with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce under number 69330808, with its official address at Barbara Strozzilaan 101, 1083 HN Amsterdam, Netherlands. Triaconta B.V. is registered with De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) under registration number R179504 for Dutch VASP Services.

GTC - End Users Summary

The General Terms and Conditions for ICONOMI End Users include descriptions of the products offered by ICONOMI that may be available through the use of the ICONOMI Platform. Furthermore, the General Terms and Conditions for ICONOMI End Users describe the procedure for copy Crypto Strategies; the status of Crypto Strategy Experts; rules regarding the Crypto Lending product; rules regarding ICONOMI user accounts; risks; fees charged by ICONOMI; eligibility for use of the Platform, the Website, Crypto Lending, and Crypto Strategies; financial regulation; and cooperation with legal authorities, authorized financial institutions, and regulators. They also cover liability regime, security measures, provisions regarding possible taxes, provisions on intellectual property, access to the Platform, and other rules and notices important for the End Users of the Platform.
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Terms and Conditions for the Affiliate Program

The terms and conditions of the ICONOMI Affiliate Program provide a description, establish guidelines for use, and outline the program's conditions. This program allows end users to earn commission through referrals, based on the fees collected from investments made by the referee into Crypto Strategies.
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Social Media Disclaimer

None of the information available via ICONOMI’s social media accounts constitutes an offer (or solicitation of an offer) to buy or sell any cryptocurrency, token, digital portfolio or other ICONOMI product, to make any investment, or to participate in any particular activity. ICONOMI or any associated subsidiary or affiliates of ICONOMI (collectively, “ICONOMI”) shall not be responsible for any loss arising from any investment based on any forecast or other information made available via any ICONOMI’s social media accounts. Any information posted on ICONOMI’s social media accounts shall not be considered as personal investment advice or be construed as an express or implied promise, guarantee or implication by ICONOMI that clients will profit from the investment or that losses in connection therewith can or will be limited. All ICONOMI posts published on any social media platform are for informational purposes only. You should note that the content and materials on ICONOMI’s social media accounts are provided “as is” without any express or implied warranties.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator and/or guarantee of future performance. The value of investments can go down as well as up. Transactions made with (but not limited to) cryptocurrencies, tokens and digital portfolios, can be very speculative and may result in losses as well as profits. Prior to making any investment or entering into any transaction, you should carefully consider your financial situation and consult your financial advisor(s) in order to understand the risks involved and ensure the suitability for you of any investment or transaction.
Any opinion, news, research, analyses, prices, comparison or other information contained via ICONOMI’s social media are provided as general (market) commentary, and do not constitute investment and/or personal advice. Any information or opinion provided herein is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be unlawful. All expressions of opinions are subject to change without notice. Opinions expressed herein may be personal to the author and may not reflect the opinions of ICONOMI.
The appearance of hyperlinks to other sites does not constitute endorsements by ICONOMI of these websites or the information, products or services. With respect to non-ICONOMI or third party banners and/or websites/links, we do not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. ICONOMI does not accept any responsibility or liability for the contents, products and/or services offered or made available via such linked locations. We recommend that you review each website's privacy policy and terms and conditions.

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