Don't invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you should not expect to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 min to learn more.


Transforming the way people invest

Our team is driven by the shared goal of making cryptocurrency accessible to everyone, and is backed up with years of experience in the blockchain space and a diverse range of professional backgrounds.
A graph of users portfolio value and their all time performance. Shows user's avatar and user's logo.

Two Entities, One Team

United Kingdom

Executive directors
Peter Curk
Ian Ladd Gibbon
Non-executive directors
Tim M. Žagar
- Co-founder
Jani Valjavec
- Co-founder
Robert Žnidar
- Shareholder


Executive directors
Peter Curk
Borut Korpič
- Chief Compliance Officer
A graph of users portfolio value and their all time performance. Shows user's avatar and user's logo.

We are building trust through transparency

Shows user's dashboard; name, 24h return, his number of copiers. Shows Bitcoin logo.
In the future, digital currency will play a major role in personal and business finance. This means there will be a significant role in managing large arrays of digital assets. ICONOMI is providing a platform for asset management, as well as a distribution channel that traditional financial services will be seeking.
Shows user's dashboard; name, 24h return, his number of copiers. Shows Bitcoin logo.

The easiest way to enter the Crypto world

Shows tradable asset types, cryptocurrencies and crypto trading strategies. Shows bitcoin, chainlink, cardano logos.
Provide the best, user-friendly platform for managing digital assets as an alternative to exchange trading, with single-click diversification in mind.
Shows tradable asset types, cryptocurrencies and crypto trading strategies. Shows bitcoin, chainlink, cardano logos.

How are we doing this?

Shows how blocks are delivered to the end user. Represents our Strategy, how we deliver the product.
Differentiating ourselves from Exchanges
Becoming a leader in asset portfolio management
Helping to grow the industry by building social trading that promotes sharing knowledge and investment opportunities
Helping to grow the industry by providing white label services (providing new distribution channels).
Shows how blocks are delivered to the end user. Represents our Strategy, how we deliver the product.

Ready to start your journey with us?

Trusted by over 100,000 users from around the world.

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