Don't invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you should not expect to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 min to learn more.

Run compliant crypto investments in one place

Enjoy peace of mind with our secure custody solution
Access multiple exchanges in minutes and get the best possible prices
Personal onboarding and support
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Business account

Who is it for?

Businesses trying to enter the crypto market

With ICONOMI, your business can thrive in the crypto market with powerful trading features.

Family offices allocating funds to crypto

Diversification is key. On the ICONOMI platform, investors can allocate a small percentage of their portfolio to different cryptocurrencies and set automatic rebalancing parameters.

Crypto enthusiasts with a company

Are you already investing in the cryptocurrency market and would like to structure your setup more efficiently? ICONOMI allows you to invest through different account types: company, trust, pension, etc.

Business-to-Business (B2B)

Private Crypto Strategy

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ICONOMI provides you with a compliant, FCA-registered cryptocurrency platform. Here, you can build a long-term crypto portfolio for your business or clients. ICONOMI removes the complexities of investing in the crypto industry. Thus saving you time to spend on more important areas of your business.

At ICONOMI, your business would have access to our powerful trading engine. It connects you to top exchanges and takes into account real-time market movements. As such, your crypto business is sure to get the best opportunities to make a profit while investing in the crypto market.

We are ready to take the step with your business together. ICONOMI is open for trading at any time. Our expert team is always here to help with whatever questions or issues you might have.

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Key Features

Safety and Compliance

We strive for the highest level of safety and compliance for your company’s crypto investments, as we are registered under the FCA.

Fast Trading Engine

Our advanced trading engine connects to top crypto exchanges. It takes into account real-time market movements. As such, it can provide the best crypto business account solution to succeed in the crypto market.

24/7 Trading Availability

Unlike traditional markets, ICONOMI allows your company to trade cryptocurrencies 24/7, opening up a world of financial opportunities.

Diversified Portfolios

ICONOMI enables your company to create and manage diversified portfolios, allowing you to spread risk and optimise returns.
See all Features

Problems we solve for you:

We are fully compliant with the most recent UK regulations, striving to keep up to date with regulatory changes. As such, you can be sure that your crypto account is operating within regulatory compliance.
Our use of industry-leading security measures ensures your crypto business account and your customers can invest with ease of mind.
Your business can enjoy a user-friendly platform experience. Combined with your knowledge, you have the potential to earn money through investing in cryptocurrencies.

Is your company interested in holding cryptocurrency on its balance sheet?

Open a business account with ICONOMI, and our highly experienced crypto team can make the process quick and straightforward.

Register Business Account

Frequently asked questions

Can a limited company invest in cryptocurrency?
How do I create a crypto business account with ICONOMI?
Is ICONOMI a regulated Crypto Copy Trading platform?
Is there a tax benefit for opening a crypto business account with ICONOMI
Why does the application ask for the individuals with managerial control of my business?