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SKALE Network


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Past performanceis not indicative of future results. EUR (€) currency fluctuations can cause returns to go up or down. Returns shown are before fees.See feesandasset data disclosurefor more details.



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SKALE Network (SKL) History and Overview

SKALE Network (SKL) History and Overview

As a Layer-2 scaling solution for the Ethereum network, SKALE Network crypto allows developers to bypass congestion on the Ethereum main net by migrating development to adjacent, SKALE-managed sidechains. SKALE enables the deployment of decentralized applications (dApps) in reliable, cost-effective, independent, and dApp-specific SKALE blockchains. 

The native SKALE Network coin is SKL, and it is used by developers to pay for the creation of these blockchains and for staking and platform governance. 

SKALE crypto facilitates the creation of high-performance, low-latency “Elastic Sidechain Networks”, which are interoperable with Ethereum. They greatly increase the number of transactions that can be efficiently transacted through the Ethereum network. Thus SKALE achieves performance improvements which enable Ethereum-built dApps to compete with applications based on Web2 in terms of throughput and cost. 

How To Buy SKALE Network or Add it to your Strategy

The fastest, most convenient way to purchase SKALE Network is to purchase it on ICONOMI. We check SKALE Network live prices on 10+ crypto exchanges and buy it at the best market price.

You can buy SKALE Network by adding it to your private Crypto Strategy (crypto portfolio). You can also use our recurring buy feature that tends to level out cryptocurrency price volatility effects. You can find out more about how to benefit from smaller investments at regular intervals on our blog article.

We recommend you do your own research and cryptocurrency analysis. Experienced crypto traders use fundamental and technical analysis to evaluate if SKALE Network is a good buy/sell. Fundamental and technical analyses are the two most common types of analysis used in trading traditional assets (e.g. stocks and bonds).

If you are unfamiliar with analyzing cryptocurrency prices and want to buy SKALE Network, we recommend you read the next section, as copying might be a better approach.

Add SKALE Network to your portfolio by copying a Strategy

If you are not skilled at these, consider a different approach to investing in cryptocurrencies. You can learn from and copy seasoned crypto traders on ICONOMI who regularly share their insights and manage their public Crypto Strategies. Go to the strategies page and use the “ticker” filter to find out which public Crypto Strategies have SKALE Network in their structure.


Here you can read and comment on all posts made by Strategists about SKALE Network SKL. See all SKALE Network price predictions in real time and make the best use of their crypto knowledge.

29 Mar, 2024

Regular rebalance to take $SKL profits, it outperformed other holdings.

No changes in structure.

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7 people like this
6 Mar, 2024

Adjustment to holdings: increased $OSMO 3% to 7%.

Lowered $RNDR 2% and $SKL 1%. Both had great performance, OSMO has been added to Grayscale fund and COSMO coins have turned bullish.

9 people like this

Proud of our 115% return over the past 12 months with good projects and a balanced portfolio. $NEAR $EGLD $RNDR $AVAX $AR & $SKL

5 people like this
2 Jan, 2024

Started our third profit taking rebalance. Lowering the biggest gainers this month a small 0.25%: $NEAR $DOT $ROSE $OSMO and $SKL to add a extra 0.5% to:

We have 1.5% taken profits into USD and Gold so far and a 15.5% position in Bitcoin. As stated in our strategy post, we will slowly add to these during bullish times. Slow and steady profit taking...

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14 people like this

@Bara thank you for copying CARUS-AR! I would recomend to simply copy the strategy and just leave it. There are fees for moving out of a strategy and active trading is not easy to do for beginners. Make a plan for both positive and negative scenario's. When do you want to take money out and take profits? When will you sell if losses are to high? Make Sure you never invest more then you are willing to lose.

That being said, this strategy is just perfect for people to just buy and hold longterm. I will adjust as needed.

I'm new to crypto and I have a question, should I sell and buy to make a profit or just copy the strategy and leave it like that for the future?

Brave move. Going against the crowd. You will be certainly right at some point. It is a game of probabilities and the ETF approval could be a sell the news event, recession is still looming and if this market turns, it will crash hard and fast and you will be happy with your $BTC and $USDC

20 Nov, 2023

$SKL up over 45% rebalance to take profits on it.

No changes in structure.

Post image
8 people like this

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SKALE Network Price FAQ

What Is the Highest Price of SKALE Network (SKL) in EUR?

SKALE Network (SKL) price history shows the highest value of 0.39 EUR . We recorded this price on September 7, 2021, but we cannot exclude that a higher price was registered before August 20, 2021.

What Is the Lowest Price of SKALE Network (SKL) in EUR?
How to buy SKALE Network (SKL)?
What Is the Current Price of SKALE Network (SKL) in EUR?
Is SKALE Network (SKL) a good investment?