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Mr Jaradat Portfolio


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Mr Jaradat Portfolio Strategy Performance

Mr Jaradat Portfolio Strategy Performance

Past performanceis not indicative of future results. EUR (€) currency fluctuations can cause returns to go up or down. Returns shown are before fees.See feesandStrategy data disclosurefor more details.

About this Strategy

About this Strategy

A systematic strategy based on my mathematical model to determine the optimal position for taking additional risks, which is mainly based on the analysis of the trend, momentum and correlation of the assets in this crypto strategy with market indices.

Exposure in [Risk-on] mode
▪️ Blockchain Infrastructure sector 50%
▪️ Infrastructure applications sector 50%

Exposure in [Risk-off] mode
▪️ Blockchain Infrastructure sector 25%
▪️ Infrastructure applications sector 25%


Annualised Return
Max. Drawdown
-61.88 %
+14.35 %
+3.37 %



See structure

Structure changes

Structure changes

Last structure change
Aug 12, 2024, 5:21:38 PM
Number of structure change in the last 30 days


Risk on ✅

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It's time to shoot the markets without stopping🔥

I have formulated two new mathematical equations for high volatility and low volatility, which is my latest academic research on how $BTC volatility affects asset volatility and returns.

We will finally be able to identify the assets that perform better than the rest and handle relative risks mathematically without resorting to many risk and return models and metrics that cannot be deeply useful in volatile markets or fluctuating strategies like momentum.

Trust the math, not the people 🍀

CAL + CML + SML 'CAPM' = New Model

Goodbye to everything we learned as financial analysts!

Thanks to myself

🔵The Strategist


⚫️ Disclaimer

▪️ The results do not constitute investment advice or recommendation, are provided for informational purposes only, and are not an offer to buy or sell any crypto assets.

▪️ Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. 

▪️ Investing involves risks, including the possibility of losing capital.

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In momentum strategies and volatile markets, risk metrics are not important, but we use them to try to reduce their impact when momentum breaks down, through a mechanical trading system that tells you to activate risks or extinguish risks.

Good luck 🍀

Beta, variance standard deviation kurtosis and skewness ,,etc are often unstable over time, especially in volatile markets.

So to keep up with the market data live, you should recalculate them regularly, looking back monthly for a certain number of months. Better yet, give priority to returns.

Look at the cross-sectional momentum and absolute momentum strategies.

They use the classification of returns without giving importance to risk and work well in the long run if the rules are formulated correctly.

You should be confident that risk measures do not have any significant statistical significance in volatile markets, but we reduce the impact of risk when the opportunity arises.

See this:

🎯Re-evaluate the Investment Structure

▪️ No change in the investment structure for this review.

If you want to add more money, you will earn 203.68% on the amount you would currently add, until the index reaches its previous peak.

Good luck🍀

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▪️Altcoin season will start in a few months and this will be the portfolio season, we only invest in assets that are gaining momentum in two sectors that are important for building WEB 3.0. 

Same chart but not the same return.

Mr Jaradat Portfolio vs OTHERS

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🎯Re-evaluate the Investment Structure

▪️ No change in the investment structure for this review, we have only reset the target weights between sectors.

Exposure in [Risk-on] Mode:

▪️ Blockchain Infrastructure Sector: 50%

▪️ Infrastructure Applications Sector: 50%

If you want to add more money, you will earn 209.3% on the amount you will currently add, until the index peaks "after recovery".

Good luck🍀

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