The Philosopher’s Stone and the Changing World Monetary Order
De-assetization is a long term risk for gold, as it has been for other stores of value. Bitcoin is the alternative. Countries and investors urgently need to understand the opportunity.
From Stars to Human Hands
“If I see a lump of gold, I know two things for certain. It was either made in a star or it was made by people.” – David Deutsch
Gold has served as a bridge between the cosmic and the human, representing permanence, trust, and value across millennia. For more than ten thousand years, it has shaped civilizations and monetary systems, becoming a bedrock of stability in an ever-changing world.
But with advances in science and technology, the very nature of value is being redefined.
Scarcity—once the cornerstone of value—is increasingly vulnerable to disruption. The age of alchemy may be closer than we think, and not through magic but through fusion reactors ^2 and space mining.
This shift forces us to question: What happens when gold is no longer scarce?
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