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Schillebeeckx Strategy


Assets Copying Strategy


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Schillebeeckx Strategy Strategy Performance

Schillebeeckx Strategy Strategy Performance

Past performanceis not indicative of future results. EUR (€) currency fluctuations can cause returns to go up or down. Returns shown are before fees.See feesandStrategy data disclosurefor more details.

About this Strategy

About this Strategy

Schillebeeckx Strategy is a large cap focused strategy. We aim at long-term growth, low risk and stability. LOW management fee, NO performance fee!


Annualised Return
Max. Drawdown
-85.99 %
+10.64 %
+3.08 %



See structure

Structure changes

Structure changes

Last structure change
Sep 13, 2024, 4:05:03 PM
Number of structure change in the last 30 days


The FED delivered on the hopes of many investors. This is bullish for the rest of the year. Crypto seems te be in the infant stages of a turnaround. Very happy with how we are positioned.

We are starting to outperforming $BTC on the week and the month and things can go fast from here. With positions in solid outperformers like $INJ and $SOL and $RUNE we could run hard in the next few weeks and months.

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Promising signs of a possible rebound. Stock market is recovering on fed rate cute hopes. Gold is shining bright and could lead the way for outperformance of antifiats. Can $BTC end its sideways trend and break out to 100k by year end finally?

It is very possible!

Long $BTC $ETH and many alts. Let the rising tide lift all boats in the next few months.

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Very strong rebound as expected!

We might take a small pause here to take some breath, but no reason to sell or rebalance. Stay in the market.

If $BTC can consolidate with a couple of daily closes above 60k, we could go up further and fast.

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Lots of fear. Not a great time to sell. We will not even rebalance.

Very good time to add to your positions.

The long term crypto bull trend is still very strong.

This is just volatility we have to stomach.

$BTC and $ETH will rise again. $SOL will outperform and eventually the altseason will lift all boats. Don't miss this sale!

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We haven't been trading for a long time and we are happy with our buy and hold approach since our last rebalance.

Cryptomarkets really seem to turn very green and our $SOL position is already up more than 30%.

$BTC is going to test the resistancezone for a third time. That often is the breakout.

We just keep sitting on our hands and wait for the outperformance to kick in, before we rebalance.

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