📢 Quarterly rebalancing.
One change in the structure of the crypto strategy
▪️ Removed: $UNI
▪️ Added: $FET
🔹 Market Leaders Index
The index invests in the most influential assets in the broader cryptocurrency market on a quarterly basis using sampling techniques.
This is the first index launched on @ICONOMI that meets ESG criteria.
⏺️ Quick facts
▪️ Type: Passive
▪️ Focus: Cryptocurrency market leaders.
▪️ Weighting method: Market capitalization - with a maximum weight of 30% for assets with a significant weight.
▪️ Constituents selection: Quarterly.
▪️Rebalance: Last day of February, May, August, December.
▪️ Number of components: 10
▪️ Copy fee 0.00%
▪️ Performance fee (Quarterly) 1.00%
🔵The Strategist
⚫️ Disclaimer
▪️ The results do not constitute investment advice or recommendation, are provided for informational purposes only, and are not an offer to buy or sell any crypto assets.
▪️ Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
▪️ Investing involves risks, including the possibility of losing capital.
@HopefulFutures Environmental, social, and governance (ESG).
We have institutional data from CryptoCompare "CCDATA”.
Read about ESG investing or ESG Indexes to get more details.