Ne vlagaj, če nisi pripravljen izgubiti vsega vloženega denarja. Kriptovalute so zelo tvegana naložba, ki je lahko zelo nestanovitna, zato ne smeš pričakovati, da boš zaščiten, če gre kaj narobe. Vzemi si 2 minuti časa in se seznani z več informacijami.

Nazaj na strategije
Oznaka najboljše dolgoročnoOznaka "vredni ogleda"Oznaka "tveganje in koristi"Oznaka svoj denar v igri

Stable WCI


Assets Copying Strategy

79.165 €

Število posnemovalcev


Stable WCI Uspešnost Strategije

Stable WCI Uspešnost Strategije

apr. 17, 2024
apr. 24, 2024

O tej Strategiji

O tej Strategiji

Poskušal se bom osredotočiti na projekte z močnimi temelji. Toda za zdaj $btc ostaja kralj.

Uspešnost in tveganje

Uspešnost in tveganje
Povprečni letni donos
+51,04 %
Največji padec
−91,85 %
+12,00 %
+3,04 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
Tether5,00 %
Oglej si strukturo

Spremembe strukture

Spremembe strukture

Zadnja sprememba strukture
23. apr. 2024, 19:33:14
Število sprememb strukture v zadnjih 30 dneh


Stable WCI
4h nazaj

$HBAR on the move! 👌🏻🔥

2 ljudem je to všeč
Stable WCI
19 apr., 2024

With just a few hours remaining until the $BTC halving, the market remains in a state of consolidation. The ongoing geopolitical tensions are casting a shadow over risk assets performance, but there's hope for a change in sentiment. It's crucial to understand that the $BTC halving isn't a "sell the news" event; its direct impact on $BTC mining fundamentally alters the supply dynamics, which I believe, the market will inevitably recognize at some point.

Amidst the recent market drop, we capitalized by increasing our positions in $INJ and $ROSE. While witnessing altcoins bleed can be hard to watch, it's essential to maintain conviction and not to panic sell. I remain optimistic about the potential of these assets in the coming weeks and months, staying focused on the long-term vision despite short-term volatility.

Have a nice weekend! 😊

Post image
7 ljudem je to všeč
Stable WCI
12 apr., 2024

Pretty sharp correction. But just don't panic. We managed to stack more $LINK.

$BTC halving a few days away. Could this be the correction befor the halving? 🤞🏻

4 ljudem je to všeč
Stable WCI
8 apr., 2024

$ETH on the move! This is what we want to see! 👍🏻

8 ljudem je to všeč
Stable WCI
7 apr., 2024

It seems $BTC is going for a bullish weekly candle close. A few hours left. Eleven day til halving. As stated many times before. While our allocation in $BTC may be modest, its strength is vital for the broader market dynamics - a robust Bitcoin sets the stage for potential movements in altcoins. Patience is the key now. While $BTC flirts with its all-time high, $ETH is yet to catch up.

Wishing you a fantastic start to the week ahead! It seems it will be interesting. 😊

7 ljudem je to všeč