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Tag 'Najlepsza długoterminowa'Tag 'Ryzyko/Nagroda'Tag 'Skóra w grze'

Mountains and Valleys


Strategia kopiowania aktywów

575 306 €

Liczba kopiujących


Wyniki Strategii Mountains and Valleys

Wyniki Strategii Mountains and Valleys

kwi 25, 2024
maj 2, 2024

O tej Strategii

O tej Strategii

Mountains and Valleys radzi sobie z cyklicznym charakterem rynków kryptowalut poprzez równoważenie inwestycji między fiat, btc i alts.

Wydajność & Ryzyko

Wydajność & Ryzyko
Roczny Zwrot
Maks. wypłata
-77,44 %
-6,52 %
+2,73 %



Zobacz strukturę

Zmiany w strukturze

Zmiany w strukturze

Ostatnia zmiana struktury
1 maj 2024, 22:10:13
Liczba zmian struktury w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni


Finally a bit of a reaction after this steady and quite significant drawdown. This would be a good area for the market to turn bullish again but alas, such corrections can sometimes last longer than we wish for. We remain confident that the bull market is far from over.

Liczba osób, które to lubią: 3

Most of our fiat is back in the market now. This should more or less be it if history rhymes with past bull markets.

Liczba osób, które to lubią: 3

Very broad long liquidation event into the weekend. We are buying the dip, as we believe that the most exciting part of the bull market is still ahead of us.

Liczba osób, które to lubią: 2

Bitcoin is consolidating above is former all time high, with the hottest phase of the bull market including heavy altcoin outperformance likely soon to follow.

From a fundamentals perspective, the market has been even more focused on memes and quickly shifting narratives than in former bull cycles. This is frustrating, as there's now a lot of actually interesting tech out there that is heavily underperforming. Our observation extends all the way to ETH's underperformance so far.

Well, it's crypto, and we have to live with the fact that the sparkly new thing will always be more interesting than what's been developed for years. Here's to the craziness and the weekly, daily, hourly narrative shifts of the coming months. Let a million shitcoins bloom! 🐂🐂🐂

Liczba osób, które to lubią: 8

Really excited to be Investing in Mountains and Valleys! Thanks for the updates

We are replacing $IMX with $TIA. $IMX is the only coin on Iconomi that adequately captures our conviction that blockchain gaming will play a significant role during this bull market. Unfortunately, $IMX also seems to be suffering from "old coin affliction", like most coins that exist for more than a year or two. $TIA, Celestia, is a modular data availability network. It simplifies the process of launching blockchains.

Liczba osób, które to lubią: 3