Ne vlagaj, če nisi pripravljen izgubiti vsega vloženega denarja. Kriptovalute so zelo tvegana naložba, ki je lahko zelo nestanovitna, zato ne smeš pričakovati, da boš zaščiten, če gre kaj narobe. Vzemi si 2 minuti časa in se seznani z več informacijami.

Nazaj na kriptovalute

Harmony cena v EUR danes. Kupi Harmony ali ga dodaj v svojo Kripto Strategijo.




0,019214 €

Harmony Tržna kapitalizacija

267,32M €

Oglej si vse možnosti nakupa/prodaje

ONE graf v EUR

ONE graf v EUR

Opozorilo o tveganju|
apr. 21, 2024
apr. 28, 2024



Donos (24H)
+0,13 %
Donos (7D)
−7,38 %
Donos (1M)
−33,58 %
Donos (1L)
+2,37 %

Moja naložba

Moja naložba

Prevzeti dobiček
0,00 €
0,00 %
0,00 €
Unrealised P/L
0,00 €
0,00 %

Harmony (ONE) opis

Harmony (ONE) opis

Harmony je varna decentralizirana veriga blokov, ki obravnava dve komponenti: skalabilnost in decentralizacijo. Deluje kot protokol naslednje generacije blockchain, ki temelji na shardingu in je zgrajen tako, da omogoča ustvarjanje in uporabo aplikacij DeFi. Kovanec Harmony ONE je gorivo verige blokov Harmony. Kovanec Harmony ONE je bil žeton BEP2 in ERC-20, preden se je preselil v lastno verigo (HRC-20) kot del upravljanja in zastavljanja na verigi. Veriga Harmony uporablja različico mehanizma za dokazovanje deleža, imenovano učinkovit mehanizem konsenza za dokazovanje deleža (Effective Proof of Stake consensus mechanism). Verigo Harmony ONE lahko kupite na vodilnih borzah s kriptovalutami, kot so Binance, Kraken in Huobi.

Kako kupiti Harmony ali ga dodati v svojo Strategijo

Najhitrejši in najugodnejši način kako kupiti Harmony je nakup na ICONOMI. Preverjamo Harmony cene v živo na več kot 10+ kripto menjalnicah in jih kupimo po najbollši tržni ceni.

Lahko kupiš Harmony z dodajanjem v svojo zasebno Kripto Strategijo (crypto Portfelj). Lahko uporabiš tudi našo ponovno posnemanje funkcijo, ki izravnava učinke volatilnosticen kriptovalut. Več o tem, kako izkoristiti manjše naložbe v rednih časovnih intervalih, si lahko prebereš v našem članku na blogu.

Priporočamo, da opraviš lastno raziskavo in analizo kriptovalut. Izkušeni trgovci s kripto valutami uporabljajo temeljno in tehnično analizo, da ocenijo, ali je Harmony dober nakup/prodaja. Temeljna in tehnična analiza sta dve najpogostejši vrsti analiz, ki se uporabljata pri trgovanju s tradicionalnimi finančnimi instrumenti (npr. delnicami in obveznicami).

Če nisi seznanjen z analizo cen kriptovalut in želiš kupiti Harmony, priporočamo, da prebereš naslednji razdelek, saj je posnemanje morda boljši pristop.

Dodaj Harmony v svoj portfelj s posnemanjem Strategije

Če pri tem nisi vešč, razmisli o drugačnem pristopu k naložbam v kriptovalute. Na ICONOMI se lahko učiš od izkušenih trgovcev s kriptovalutami, ki redno delijo svoja spoznanja in upravljajo svoje javne Kripto Strategije, ter jih posnemaj. Pojdi na stran Strategije in uporabi filter "ticker", da ugotoviš, katere javne Kripto Strategije imajo v svoji strukturi kupljen Harmony.


Na našem Harmony forumu lahko prebereš in komentiraš objave Strategov o Harmony ONE. Poglej vse napovedi cen v realnem času in kar najbolje izkoristi njihovo znanje o kriptovalutah.

16 avg., 2022

JUST IN: Harmony Protocol $ONE has just announced it has successfully completed building a bridge between COSMOS and Harmony protocol on the local testnet.


What is $ONE ? Harmony protocol is trying to become an interoperable Layer 2 solution for Ethereum. Interesting that more and more blockchain projects are embracing $ATOM IBC protocol solution for interoperability standard.

First $DYDX, 2nd $SUSHI, now $ONE... simply said all roads lead to COSMOS

Is a big migration from Ethereum happening in front of our eyes and are projects starting to migrate to Cosmos? Is appchain the future?Short answer: YES!

We've predicted this 1 year ago this will start happening and now adoption of $ATOM has never been bigger than today.

Why are projects embracing Cosmos interoperability solution? Short answer is because it is the only battle tested interoperability solution that was never frozen, hacked or had any issues. Every month billions of $ flow through IBC protocol on $ATOM.

DeFI & Global financial infrastructure lacks interoperability solutions. This is also a reason why CBDC's aren't developed yet.

Could an answer to this lie in $ATOM's IBC protocol solution? Maybe

Bellow I have attached a picture that summarises how many funds were lost due to bad interoperability practices aka bad bridges. As you can see more than 1,3B$ were lost in bridge hacks just this year (2022).


Post image
4 ljudem je to všeč
16 avg., 2022

JUST IN: Harmony Protocol $ONE has just announced it has successfully completed building a bridge between COSMOS and Harmony protocol on the local testnet.


What is $ONE? Harmony protocol is trying to become an interoperable Layer 2 solution for Ethereum. Interesting that more and more blockchain projects are embracing $ATOM IBC protocol solution for interoperability standard.

First $DYDX, 2nd $SUSHI, now $ONE... simply said all roads lead to COSMOS

Is a big migration from Ethereum happening in front of our eyes and are projects starting to migrate to Cosmos? Is appchain the future?

Short answer: YES!

We've predicted this 1 year ago this will start happening and now adoption of $ATOM has never been bigger than today.

Why are projects embracing Cosmos interoperability solution? Short answer is because it is the only battle tested interoperability solution that was never frozen, hacked or had any issues. Every month billions of $ flow through IBC protocol on $ATOM.

DeFI & Global financial infrastructure lacks interoperability solutions. This is also a reason why CBDC's aren't developed yet.

Could an answer to this lie in $ATOM's IBC protocol solution? Maybe

Bellow I have attached a picture that summarises how many funds were lost due to bad interoperability practices aka bad bridges. As you can see more than 1,3B$ were lost in bridge hacks just this year (2022).


Post image
2 ljudem je to všeč

Monthly Rebalancing:


Out: $ONE

All assets rebalanced to 4%

Strategy now fully open to public:

Long-Term-InvestBased on assumption of general growth of crypto market capitalisationInvest in Top 25 Crypto Currencies based on Market CapMonthly equal weight rebalancingAttractive Following with minimum feesPerfect also for Saving Plans

Also check out "25 Top Market Cap Equal Weight" Strategy

3 ljudem je to všeč

Monthly Rebalancing:



All assets rebalanced to 4%

Strategy now fully open to public:

Long-Term-InvestBased on assumption of general growth of crypto market capitalisationInvest in Top 25 Crypto Currencies based on Market CapMonthly equal weight rebalancingAttractive Following with minimum feesPerfect also for Saving Plans

Also check out "25 Top Market Cap Equal Weight" Strategy

2 ljudem je to všeč
Alpha Digital
20 jan., 2022

Crypto is showing relative strength compared to equity markets lately.

It seems to be slowly bottoming out, so this might be an excellent region to dip our toes back in the water.

I'll cut on a lower low/add on a higher high. Let's see how it goes.

I've added "SoLunAvax" ($SOL, $LUNA, $AVAX) because I believe we'll see some rotation back into the "former" leading L1s.

$NEAR and $ATOM are my favorites of the recently hyped "FOAN" ($FTM, $ONE, $ATOM, $NEAR) L1s, so I added them as well.

$RUNE, $ANT, and $FET are speculative projects I'm a big fan of, which will hopefully have their time soon.

As always, this is not financial advice.

10 ljudem je to všeč

Going 100% stables when breaking 40.3k. Fingers crossed

But ser, you are my financial advisor. And my fund manager 😛

Si pripravljen začeti pot z nami?

Zaupa nam več kot 100.000 uporabnikov z vsega sveta.

Ustvari brezplačen račun

Druge najboljše kriptovalute

Harmony Pogosta vprašanja o ceni

Kaj je najvišja Harmony ONE cena v EUR?

Harmony (ONE) zgodovina cen kaže najvišjo vrednost 0,31 EUR . To ceno smo zabeležili pri 15. januar 2022, vendar ne moremo izključiti, da je bila prej registrirana višja cena 20. avgust 2021.

Kakšna je najnižja Harmony ONE cena v EUR?
Kako lahko kupim Harmony ONE?
Kakšna je trenutna cena Harmony (ONE) v EUR?
Ali je Harmony (ONE) dobra naložba?