Ne vlagaj, če nisi pripravljen izgubiti vsega vloženega denarja. Kriptovalute so zelo tvegana naložba, ki je lahko zelo nestanovitna, zato ne smeš pričakovati, da boš zaščiten, če gre kaj narobe. Vzemi si 2 minuti časa in se seznani z več informacijami.

Nazaj na strategije

Mutant Investment Assets


Assets Copying Strategy

25.101 €

Število posnemovalcev


Mutant Investment Assets Uspešnost Strategije

Mutant Investment Assets Uspešnost Strategije

maj 2, 2024
maj 9, 2024

O tej Strategiji

O tej Strategiji

Od februarja 2020 vodim dinamično kripto strategijo, ki združuje 8 let strokovnega znanja o kriptovalutah in 12 let o delnicah. Naš razpršeni portfelj vključuje strateške alokacije v različne obetavne projekte, ki so skrbno izbrani za izkoriščanje tržnih priložnosti ob hkratnem obvladovanju tveganja. Z uravnoteženjem pozicij v različnih projektih želimo izkoristiti potencial rasti in hkrati zmanjšati tveganje padca. Naš pristop temelji na globokem razumevanju tržne dinamike in je utemeljen na dolgoročni rasti.

Uspešnost in tveganje

Uspešnost in tveganje
Povprečni letni donos
+26,81 %
Največji padec
−92,57 %
+4,12 %
+2,20 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
Tether5,00 %
Oglej si strukturo

Spremembe strukture

Spremembe strukture

Zadnja sprememba strukture
17. mar. 2024, 17:29:47
Število sprememb strukture v zadnjih 30 dneh


To start the week with another good news we are happy to share that Hong Kong has given the green light to $BTC and $ETH ETFs, marking a significant milestone for the crypto industry and investors alike. This strategic move places Hong Kong on the map in the international race to lead the crypto market. The approval of these ETFs paves the way for broader adoption and offers investors a new avenue to gain exposure to crypto assets in a regulated format.

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Objavljeno z uporabo GIPHY
4 ljudem je to všeč

Currently, the situation appears to be stabilizing with the Iranian mission to the UN suggesting that the immediate threat may be subsiding. This has provided some relief and the crypto markets have started showing signs of recovery.

We advise keeping a close watch on the developments, as such geopolitical tensions can influence market volatility. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and provide updates as necessary.

2 ljudem je to všeč

Taking a page from investment legends like Warren Buffett, we see the current market conditions not just as a challenge, but as an opportunity. History shows that times of uncertainty can lead to great buying opportunities for those who keep a cool head.

We’re poised to make strategic moves and strengthen our positions during this dip. As always, our focus remains on long-term growth.

Ena oseba je všečkala

Update 🚨

We’re seeing a big drop in the crypto market due to the recent conflict between Iran and Israel. Despite the current instability, we’re staying in the market because we expect things to improve soon.

Ena oseba je všečkala

In the ever-surging sea of crypto, we’re all aboard the patience ship, watching the charts like captains on the lookout. Just remember, every savvy sailor knows: smooth seas don’t make skillful sailors, and it’s the steady hand that will guide us to treasure. Hang tight, crypto crew—the moon isn’t just a dream, it’s a destination, and we’re charting the course one wave at a time! 🚀🌕 Soon, we ride the tide up!

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Objavljeno z uporabo GIPHY
4 ljudem je to všeč