Ne vlagaj, če nisi pripravljen izgubiti vsega vloženega denarja. Kriptovalute so zelo tvegana naložba, ki je lahko zelo nestanovitna, zato ne smeš pričakovati, da boš zaščiten, če gre kaj narobe. Vzemi si 2 minuti časa in se seznani z več informacijami.

Posamezno sredstvo v pravilih strukture
Vodniki za uporabo
2. dec. 2022

Posamezno sredstvo v pravilih strukture

These are parameters within our Crypto Strategy Rules. If you would like to know more about those, feel free to read our blog post about them.

This option targets individual assets within your Strategy's structure and is available for the stop-loss, profit-take, and price-based rules, giving you added flexibility with rebalancing. Using it, you can monitor one asset and trade it for a different asset when the rule condition is met - be it for taking profits or stopping losses, without changing the rest of the Strategy’s structure. What’s more, you’re not only limited to the fiat pair of the asset - you can monitor all pairs on the platform!

You can have as many individual asset rules active as you want, giving you full control during your off-hours, so head over to the structure page of your Strategy to set them up!

Going by example step by step will be the easiest way to explain how they work. They are all fairly similar to set up, and for our example, we will be creating the take-profit Rule:

Each individual Rule is best explained using its name. While this may look confusing, it will make sense once you set the parameters.

[triggerTicker] označi, katero sredstvo bo pravilo pregledalo

[poveča/pade] je odvisno od vrste obravnavanega pravila

[AssetInStructureTicker] je parameter, ki se uporablja samo v pravilih, ki temeljijo na cenah, in gleda na to specifično ceno

[swapTicker] denotes which asset you want to rebalance to

[algorithm] je vrsta algoritma, ki ga želite izbrati

Filling out those parameters will fill out the puzzle, and firstly you should select the individual asset from your Strategy’s current structure you want to rebalance. You can only select assets you have in your structure at the time.

Next up is which asset’s performance the Rule will look at. For price-based rules, you can use any asset on the ICONOMI platform as a trigger to initiate the Rule, allowing you to rebalance based on any pair on the platform.

The base currency denotes which pair the Rule will look at for the performance. For example, you can set a rule which will look at the difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin; if one rises above the other, you can rebalance fully into the better one.

Trigger per cent is the percentage value your trigger asset needs to rise in comparison to your base currency to trigger the Rule. Put simply, set a percentage, and if it rises by that compared to the other asset you set, the Rule will trigger.

Next is the question of how much of the asset in your Strategy you would like to rebalance. You don’t need to rebalance all of the asset; you can select a smaller percentage, depending on what you feel will be the best course of action in the market conditions you’re targeting.

Swap currency is simply the asset you want to rebalance to. Suppose you’re looking to secure profits or want to stop losses. In that case, you can trade into a stablecoin, or you can pivot more into the market, exposing yourself to volatility and potential gains.

Last but not least, you can select the trading algorithm. There are three to choose from, and if you’d like to know what they do exactly, you can read our blog post on them.

Ko bo to opravljeno, bo ime vašega pravila videti nekako takole:

The name describes exactly what the Rule will do - it will rebalance 50% of the bitcoin in the Strategy to USDT when the bitcoin’s value increases by 15%, and it will do so as fast as possible.

Nekaj splošnih primerov uporabe

No trader is the same, and no market day is the same either, so each rule will have to be tailored to what you feel is best. But for reference, we’ve come up with a few use cases:

Volatile Alt-Coin

Let’s say you picked up on a promising alt-coin but are not fully certain of its future. Once you add it to your Strategy, you can set up two rules, one being a stop-loss, and the other being a take-profit rule, both targeting that single asset. Both are set to trigger when the alt-coin fluctuates by 10%, and will move your position from that alt-coin into a stablecoin, protecting or saving your funds while not needing to rebalance the entire Strategy.

Različni sektorji

Our second scenario supposes you have a Strategy that’s comprised of assets from different sectors, be it DeFi, metaverse, or general crypto infrastructure. Then you set up a series of rules aimed at rebalancing your Strategy into a sector which starts outperforming the rest, thus committing your Strategy to that one, or escape it if it starts on a downward trend.

Pustiti čustva ob strani

Emotions can sometimes be a trader’s worst enemy, and going strictly by math and statistics may be best. Initially, we set ourselves to trade into a stablecoin to secure profits when an asset reaches a certain percentage, but when that happens, our emotions kick in, and we want to see it rise even further. This can, of course, happen if an asset starts to fall as well. Using single asset rules, you can set up clear triggers and put away your emotions when the time comes.

Vlaganje v Crypto - Vodnik
Spoznaj trg kriptovalut, odkrij Kripto Strategije in obvladaj umetnost izdelave svojega kripto portfelja.
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