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SUSHI til GBP Pris

£ 0,7939

SushiSwap Markedsverdi

£ 187,45M

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SUSHI GBP kursdiagram/resultat

SUSHI GBP kursdiagram/resultat

Advarsel om risiko|
apr. 20, 2024
apr. 27, 2024



Retur (24t)
−2,29 %
Avkastning (7D)
−2,55 %
Avkastning (1M)
−41,75 %
Avkastning (1 år)
−5,83 %

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Min investering

Profitt tatt
£ 0,00
0,00 %
Du har:
Unrealised P/L
£ 0,00
0,00 %

SushiSwap (SUSHI) Oversikt

SushiSwap (SUSHI) Oversikt

Sushiswap tilbyr en plattform der brukerne kan kjøpe og selge ulike kryptovalutaer. Dette oppnås ved å bruke en samling av likviditetsbassenger; brukerne låser opp eiendeler i smarte kontrakter, som tradere kjøper og selger kryptovalutaer fra, og dermed bytter en mynt mot en annen. I likhet med andre DeFi-plattformer finnes det ingen sentral operatøradministrator.

Endringer i SushiSwap-kryptoen gjøres av innehavere av SushiSwap-mynten - SUSHI. Alle brukere som eier SUSHI kan foreslå operasjonelle endringer og stemme over alle forslag fra andre.

I hovedsak fungerer den på samme måte som en tradisjonell børs, men den støttes ikke av en sentral enhet, men av smartkontrakter. Brukere som handler med aktiva, betaler en avgift som fordeles til likviditetsleverandørene. I tillegg til disse avgiftene får brukerne som handler med aktiva, også en andel av 100 SUSHI, som utstedes daglig.

Slik kjøper du SushiSwap eller legger det til i Strategien din

Den raskeste og mest praktiske måten å kjøpe SushiSwap er å kjøpe den på ICONOMI. Vi sjekker SushiSwap sanntidspriser på 10+ kryptobørser og kjøper dem til den beste markedsprisen.

Du kan kjøpe SushiSwap ved å legge den til i din private Kryptostrategi (kryptoportefølje). Du kan også bruke vår funksjon for tilbakevendende kjøp som har en tendens til å utjevne effekten av prisvolatilitet i kryptovaluta. Du kan lese mer om hvordan du kan dra nytte av mindre investeringer med jevne mellomrom i vår bloggartikkel.

Vi anbefaler at du gjør din egen research og analyse av kryptovalutaer. Erfarne kryptohandlere bruker fundamental og teknisk analyse for å vurdere om SushiSwap er et godt kjøp/salg. Fundamental og teknisk analyse er de to vanligste analysetypene som brukes ved handel med tradisjonelle eiendeler (f.eks. aksjer og obligasjoner).

Hvis du ikke er kjent med å analysere kryptovalutapriser og ønsker å kjøpe SushiSwap, anbefaler vi at du leser neste avsnitt, da kopiering kan være en bedre tilnærming.

Legg til SushiSwap i porteføljen din ved å kopiere en Strategi.

Hvis du ikke er dyktig på disse, bør du vurdere en annen tilnærming til investering i kryptovaluta. Du kan lære av og kopiere erfarne kryptotradere på ICONOMI som regelmessig deler sin innsikt og administrerer sine offentlige Kryptostrategier. Gå til Strategisiden og bruk "ticker"-filteret for å finne ut hvilke offentlige Kryptostrategier som har SushiSwap i sin struktur.


Her kan du lese og kommentere alle innlegg fra Strateger om SushiSwap SUSHI. Se alle SushiSwap prisforutsigelser i sanntid og dra best mulig nytte av kryptokunnskapen deres.

11 apr., 2024

Rebalans naše strategije ⚖️

Pravkar smo zaključili rebalans portfelja Iconomi Titanium Skyhigh. Ta strateška prilagoditev je vključevala zmanjšanje alokacij nekaterih tokenov in povečanje alokacij drugih.

Po strateškem pregledu so bili iz portfelja odstranjeni naslednji tokeni: Siacoin ($SC), Filecoin ($FIL), Alpha Finance ($ALPHA), Reef ($REEF), NEM ($XEM), Sushi Swap ($SUSHI), Band ($BAND) in Balancer ($BAL). Ta sprememba daje prednost inovativnim projektom z močnimi razvojnimi načrti in se osredotoča na nastajajoča področja na področju kriptovalut.

Pri Jasmy ($JASMY) smo ohranili trdno prepričanje o potencialu tokena Jasmy (JASMY), zato alokacija ostaja 12,04-odstotna. Strateško smo dodali token Thorchain ($RUNE) zaradi inovativnih rešitev DeFi in družbo Ocean Protocol ($OCEAN) zaradi vloge v podatkovnem gospodarstvu in posledic umetne inteligence. S tem smo povečali razpršenost in se pripravili na prihodnjo rast. $OCEAN in $RUNE ter ostalih 10 preostalih tokenov imajo zdaj vsak po 7,33-odstotno alokacijo v portfelju.

Z enakomernejšo porazdelitvijo teže portfelja želimo zmanjšati koncentracijo tveganja, s čimer želimo ublažiti vpliv uspešnosti posameznega žetona na celoten portfelj.

En person liker dette
Alpha Digital
2 feb., 2023

Over the past 73 days, we've witnessed a significant increase in the value of $BTC, with a 57% increase from the low of 15.5k to the current high of 24.2k. 

This uptrend has allowed Bitcoin to exit the descending regression channel and trade along the upper boundary of the new channel drawn from the low. 

However, analyzing past market movements, I see a strong possibility of a future retest of the channel's lower bound. The high degree of slope of the linear regression only strengthens my view. 

With the moving averages and range highs above, I remain cautious.  

I left the market in early December 2021 when bitcoin was around 50,000. I am not yet feeling any pressure from FOMO.

Instead, I start looking for sound setups, especially in alternative cryptocurrencies, before making any decisions.

I got my eyes on $ATOM, $FTM, $XMR, $SUSHI, $GNT, $ANT, $SNX, $DYDX, $DOGE, and of course $ETH

I hope you don't find the attached chart too confusing. I tried to give some "historical context" using past regression channels.

As always, these are just my personal thoughts and shouldn't be treated as financial advice.


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21 folk liker dette

@CryptoEnthuzias Not much has changed, but still gonna work on a new post soon :)

Hi ! Thanks for your update. Any new opinions ? :D

16 aug., 2022

JUST IN: Harmony Protocol $ONE has just announced it has successfully completed building a bridge between COSMOS and Harmony protocol on the local testnet.

Source: https://twitter.com/datachain_en/status/1559434938185056256?s=20&t=UuRjC4SMIXpeaSJrqs1PYw

What is $ONE ? Harmony protocol is trying to become an interoperable Layer 2 solution for Ethereum. Interesting that more and more blockchain projects are embracing $ATOM IBC protocol solution for interoperability standard.

First $DYDX, 2nd $SUSHI, now $ONE... simply said all roads lead to COSMOS

Is a big migration from Ethereum happening in front of our eyes and are projects starting to migrate to Cosmos? Is appchain the future?Short answer: YES!

We've predicted this 1 year ago this will start happening and now adoption of $ATOM has never been bigger than today.

Why are projects embracing Cosmos interoperability solution? Short answer is because it is the only battle tested interoperability solution that was never frozen, hacked or had any issues. Every month billions of $ flow through IBC protocol on $ATOM.

DeFI & Global financial infrastructure lacks interoperability solutions. This is also a reason why CBDC's aren't developed yet.

Could an answer to this lie in $ATOM's IBC protocol solution? Maybe

Bellow I have attached a picture that summarises how many funds were lost due to bad interoperability practices aka bad bridges. As you can see more than 1,3B$ were lost in bridge hacks just this year (2022).


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4 folk liker dette
16 aug., 2022

JUST IN: Harmony Protocol $ONE has just announced it has successfully completed building a bridge between COSMOS and Harmony protocol on the local testnet.

Source: https://twitter.com/datachain_en/status/1559434938185056256?s=20&t=UuRjC4SMIXpeaSJrqs1PYw

What is $ONE? Harmony protocol is trying to become an interoperable Layer 2 solution for Ethereum. Interesting that more and more blockchain projects are embracing $ATOM IBC protocol solution for interoperability standard.

First $DYDX, 2nd $SUSHI, now $ONE... simply said all roads lead to COSMOS

Is a big migration from Ethereum happening in front of our eyes and are projects starting to migrate to Cosmos? Is appchain the future?

Short answer: YES!

We've predicted this 1 year ago this will start happening and now adoption of $ATOM has never been bigger than today.

Why are projects embracing Cosmos interoperability solution? Short answer is because it is the only battle tested interoperability solution that was never frozen, hacked or had any issues. Every month billions of $ flow through IBC protocol on $ATOM.

DeFI & Global financial infrastructure lacks interoperability solutions. This is also a reason why CBDC's aren't developed yet.

Could an answer to this lie in $ATOM's IBC protocol solution? Maybe

Bellow I have attached a picture that summarises how many funds were lost due to bad interoperability practices aka bad bridges. As you can see more than 1,3B$ were lost in bridge hacks just this year (2022).


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2 folk liker dette
11 jul., 2022

BREAKING: Report urges central banks to work together on digital currency interoperability

"The Bank for International Settlements, International Monetary Fund and World Bank say CBDCs should be programmed in advance to avoid interoperability issues."

This is the narrative Cosmos ($ATOM ) has been building out since 2014. Cosmos interoperability is the only battle tested interoperability solution out there that's scalable & decentralised and works out with private appchains or decentralised ones.

Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/report-urges-central-banks-to-work-together-on-digital-currency-interoperability

Cosmos multichain vision is finaly comming to fruition. Like i've said several times the road will be volatile but the best tech will win in the end. 

I still believe that Cosmos has the most underrated tech in entire crypto. Innovative leading projects on Ethereum have announced in past 2 weeks to start building sovereign appchains on top of Cosmos ($DYDX & $SUSHI )

If you will go deep into the rabbit hole and check our old posts you'll be able to find that ECB has posted in the past a research document for designing it's CBDC solution. Even in that document interoperability was pointed out and Cosmos and Polkadot were one of mentioned solutions.



Fun fact is there's no other battle tested interoperability solution in crypto that is scalable the way $ATOM is. Cosmos team has been working in the past on pilot programe "Cosmos cash" a CBDC solution based on Cosmos tech. Market has long forgoten this.

The bear market hasn't changed fundamentals.

The biggest update for $ATOM is happening in less than 3 months and was beeing developed for years. 

We believe Interchain Security will be a game changer upgrade, massively increasing $ATOM utility and this should also lead to price increase.

Good tech/product/service will always get adopted. It can just take a little bit longer than anticipated and the road can be quite bumpy.

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SushiSwap Ofte stilte spørsmål om pris

Hva er den høyeste prisen på SushiSwap inGBP?

SushiSwap prishistorikk for Storbritannia viser den høyeste verdien på 16,15 GBP . Vi registrerte denne prisen på 14. mars 2021, men vi kan ikke utelukke at en høyere pris ble registrert før 1. september 2020.

Hva er den laveste prisen på SushiSwap i GBP?
Hvordan kan jeg kjøpe SushiSwap i Storbritannia?
Hva er den nåværende SushiSwap prisen for Storbritannia i GBP?
Er SushiSwap en god investering?