Jangan berinvestasi kecuali Anda siap kehilangan semua uang yang Anda investasikan. Mata uang kripto adalah investasi berisiko tinggi yang bisa sangat fluktuatif dan Anda tidak boleh berharap untuk terlindungi jika terjadi kesalahan. Luangkan waktu 2 menit untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut.

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Kinerja Strategi CryptoChris

Kinerja Strategi CryptoChris

Mei 2, 2024
Mei 9, 2024

Tentang Strategi ini

Tentang Strategi ini

CryptoChris adalah strategi yang berfokus pada Ethereum dengan fokus berbasis harga yang kuat yang dikombinasikan dengan analisis teknis dan analisis perilaku pasar. Keputusan didasarkan pada interpretasi dari dua faktor utama: i) kualitas proyek dan ii) tingkat harga. Perdagangan jangka pendek, jangka menengah, dan jangka panjang digabungkan ke dalam pendekatan taktis, yang telah menghasilkan kesuksesan sejak awal. Saya menggunakan pengambilan keputusan yang berkaitan dengan jangka waktu: sebagai investor, Anda mungkin menemukan bahwa kadang-kadang, posisi jangka panjang dijual sementara untuk mendapatkan keuntungan jangka pendek. Pendekatan yang berfokus pada Ethereum menyiratkan bahwa aset lain secara konstan dinilai terhadap Ethereum untuk menyimpulkan apakah aset tersebut tampak menjanjikan investasi (sementara).

Kinerja & Risiko

Kinerja & Risiko
Pengembalian Tahunan
Maks. Drawdown
-87,32 %
+3,88 %
+1,63 %



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Perubahan struktur

Perubahan struktur

Perubahan struktur terakhir
23 Feb 2024 18.51.41
Jumlah perubahan struktur dalam 30 hari terakhir


11 Mei, 2022

$LUNA triggering a very painful day in crypto history. Having a top 10 cryptocurrency resulting in such major losses, it could have some devastating impacts on the general credibility of the cryptomarkets.

Specifically to those who invest in my strategy; as mentioned times before, please, diversify to other strategies and consider my strategy as a very high risk strategy to follow. Today shows again how the CryptoChris strategy comes with major risks and diversification is one of the best ways to play your game.

And although you might not feel like it, the coming time might be a time to start investing gradually back into the ICONOMI space. I just bought (some of) the dip

When everyone sells, start considering to buy. When everybody buys, consider to sell. If following your emotion is the way to becoming a good investor, everyone would be a millionaire.

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5 orang suka ini
3 Des, 2021


CryptoChris strategy change, please diversify.

'CryptoChris' has been a well-performing strategy ever since 2019. The times my strategy performed at its best, were the times where I took the bigger risks and relied on my understanding & feeling of investment markets. I noticed that I underperformed during the last year (despite the x5) and this is mainly because I was afraid to trust and take a risk.

I want to ride the waves of markets again, like I used to do. Therefore, stress that in the coming months, I'll be trading way more agressively than I used to do during the past year.

Although, I'm very bullish on crypto on general, I really want to advice to anyone on this platform, please diversify and invest in a few of your favorite strategies. There's so many great managers out here and you don't want to rely on a very few.

Thank you!


10 orang suka ini

perfect decision - to the moon 🚀🧨