Ne vlagaj, če nisi pripravljen izgubiti vsega vloženega denarja. Kriptovalute so zelo tvegana naložba, ki je lahko zelo nestanovitna, zato ne smeš pričakovati, da boš zaščiten, če gre kaj narobe. Vzemi si 2 minuti časa in se seznani z več informacijami.

Nazaj na strategije
Oznaka "vredni ogleda"Oznaka "tveganje in koristi"Oznaka svoj denar v igri

SUPER HOW Strategy


Assets Copying Strategy

46.405 €

Število posnemovalcev


SUPER HOW Strategy Uspešnost Strategije

SUPER HOW Strategy Uspešnost Strategije

apr. 18, 2024
apr. 25, 2024

O tej Strategiji

O tej Strategiji

Dolgoročna aktivno upravljana naložbena strategija. Diverzificiran portfelj z visokim tveganjem in visokim donosom sredstev z največjo rastjo. Naložbene odločitve temeljijo na osnovnih podatkih in tehnični analizi. Sredstva: spletna3 infrastruktura, gamefi, metaverse "new narrative" projekti za rast.

Uspešnost in tveganje

Uspešnost in tveganje
Povprečni letni donos
+30,07 %
Največji padec
−89,06 %
+8,69 %
+4,69 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
Tether5,00 %
Oglej si strukturo

Spremembe strukture

Spremembe strukture

Zadnja sprememba strukture
20. mar. 2024, 23:50:15
Število sprememb strukture v zadnjih 30 dneh


SUPER HOW Strategy
30 jan., 2024

Hey hey. Adding $SEI to our portfolio, it finally is available on ICONOMI. Rebalancing for altcoin run. Market is showing strenght, $BTC is breaking up the resistance. Looks like the correction might be over for the moment.

2 ljudem je to všeč
SUPER HOW Strategy
10 jan., 2024

Here we go. $BTC ETF is officialy approved. The history has been done.

Now let's move to the next ecosystem - $ETH ecosystem. Re-balancing our portfolio.

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3 ljudem je to všeč
SUPER HOW Strategy
10 jan., 2024

Looks like everybody is prepared for the major event in the $BTC history - #bitcoin #ETF approval. CBOE have listed some with the launch day set for tomorrow, Fidelity are taking limit orders. Whe the market is still waiting for the official GO!

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3 ljudem je to všeč

GM! As ETF buzz nears to it’s end, we started taking profits. We are preparing for possible correction based on technical and fundamental key levels.

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Objavljeno z uporabo GIPHY
2 ljudem je to všeč
SUPER HOW Strategy
24 dec., 2023

Happy hollidays everybody! This year we have realy bussy end of the year. I did a lot of trading and asset management for our portfolio, for you all to have a happy 2024. :) Thank you all who copy our strategy, I feel great to be able to manage this nice portfolio, that is +140% in a green territory since October 2020 allready and +130% this year, and the Bull market is just starting.

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