Nie inwestuj, jeśli nie jesteś przygotowany na utratę wszystkich zainwestowanych pieniędzy. Kryptowaluty to inwestycja wysokiego ryzyka, która może być bardzo zmienna i nie powinieneś oczekiwać, że będziesz chroniony, jeśli coś pójdzie nie tak. Poświęć 2 minuty, aby dowiedzieć się więcej.

Powrót do Strategii
Tag 'Ryzyko/Nagroda'

Matics Selects


Strategia kopiowania aktywów

7 326 €

Liczba kopiujących


Wyniki Strategii Matics Selects

Wyniki Strategii Matics Selects

kwi 13, 2024
kwi 20, 2024

O tej Strategii

O tej Strategii

Ogromne portfolio sprawdzonych projektów kryptograficznych z częstymi rebalansami, które utrzymują średnią wydajność wszystkich naszych zasobów. Jesteśmy długoterminową strategią skoncentrowaną.

Wydajność & Ryzyko

Wydajność & Ryzyko
Roczny Zwrot
Maks. wypłata
-77,00 %
-5,46 %
+4,21 %



Zobacz strukturę

Zmiany w strukturze

Zmiany w strukturze

Ostatnia zmiana struktury
22 mar 2024, 12:45:33
Liczba zmian struktury w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni


Matics Selects
2 mar, 2024

Hello dear followers. 👋

📈 Quick strategy update.

We've seen an amazing 133% growth over the last 6 months and quite a remarkable 63% growth over a period of one year.

Mostly this has been due to the strong position $BTC, due to, among others, recent approval of ETFs.

🚀 Things that are making me most bullish:

  • $BTC halving in March or April
  • Ethereum's upcoming Dencun upgrade in March
  • Possible $ETH ETF approval in May

🔮 Based on past cycles, I believe that these events are typically followed by an altcoin season, for which our portfolio is well diversified and balanced.

💡 Tip: when the bull run will be in full swing, don't forget to take some of the profits.

Cheers ✨

Liczba osób, które to lubią: 3
Matics Selects
24 mar, 2023

Hello dear followers. 👋

A quick update after what seemed like a crypto winter:

  • The latest crypto news shows signs of a more optimistic emerging trend.
  • Huge ETH Shanghai upgrade is right around the corner , which is expected to bring a lot of new features.
  • Bitcoing halving at the end of the year, along with the overall market cap growth, looks like it’s starting to lift the spirits of crypto enthusiasts.
  • Major banks' liquidity shortage might drive even more interest in crypto, as the banking system struggles to cope with the increased demand for cash.

As always, I will continue to focus on safe investments for the near future. Depending on changes in the market, I might gradually reduce MS' holdings in stable coins as well.

We are keeping a close eye on the market and are waiting for the right time to act. 🚀

Liczba osób, które to lubią: 3
Matics Selects
13 sty, 2022

Hello and happy 2022!

The year didn't start well for the crypto market, but it is already looking more optimistic.

On Jan 8th last year this strategy was rebranded and restarted and what a year it was. There were a few moments where you really needed a strong stomach to handle the trading, but don't worry, that's why I do it for you here

We ended one year since the start with a 187% gain. Interestingly BTC only gained 14% at the same time.

We were shifting from Defi to NFT to Meta-themed tokens during the year, every time counterbalancing it with gold and taking our gains slowly over time.

I am very optimistic for the year ahead in crypto, and can't wait to see which theme will come out next in the world of crypto.

Wish you all well, and let the coins be on your side for 2022!

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Liczba osób, które to lubią: 3