Jangan berinvestasi kecuali Anda siap kehilangan semua uang yang Anda investasikan. Mata uang kripto adalah investasi berisiko tinggi yang bisa sangat fluktuatif dan Anda tidak boleh berharap untuk terlindungi jika terjadi kesalahan. Luangkan waktu 2 menit untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut.

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Dream Crypto Strategy


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Kinerja Strategi Dream Crypto Strategy

Kinerja Strategi Dream Crypto Strategy

Mei 1, 2024
Mei 8, 2024

Tentang Strategi ini

Tentang Strategi ini

Tiga perempat dari strategi ini ditetapkan lebih konservatif, dengan fokus pada proyek-proyek kripto yang besar dan mapan, dan seperempatnya lebih agresif, dengan proyek-proyek yang lebih kecil yang memiliki potensi tinggi untuk pertumbuhan yang cepat dan tinggi dalam kenaikan yang diharapkan.

Kinerja & Risiko

Kinerja & Risiko
Pengembalian Tahunan
Maks. Drawdown
-73,22 %
+7,07 %
+2,79 %



Lihat struktur

Perubahan struktur

Perubahan struktur

Perubahan struktur terakhir
9 Mar 2024 21.21.39
Jumlah perubahan struktur dalam 30 hari terakhir


Countdown to $BTC's halving is on! 🗓️ Expect a supply squeeze post-April 18, hinting at a price uptick. 📈 Bitcoin's pattern suggests a steady phase before a big jump. Currently, it's hovering between $60k-$73k. 🌊 This consolidation is healthy for the crypto market, a calm before the storm, gathering energy for a likely upward leap. Once BTC firmly breaks above $73k, we can expect a significant growth period for our more aggressive crypto tokens. Investment is a game of chances, and crypto plays by its own rules. 🎲

2 orang suka ini

Crypto market is correcting, a normal phase post-growth. $BTC could dip to 58-60k, possibly even 48-50k. Yet, we remain bullish for a 100k+ BTC target this year. Our strategy remains unchanged. Besides BTC position it includes diversified projects that have great potential for high growth 😊.

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5 orang suka ini

Due to the recent exceptional growth of $FET and $RNDR, we have reallocated part of the returns to other projects and rebalanced the portfolio. Let the dream journey continue. 📈

3 orang suka ini

We have invested the last stable reserves in crypto projects. Three quarters of the portfolio is set to be more conservative, focusing on major, established crypto projects, while one quarter is a more aggressive mix, with smaller projects that have high potential for fast and high growth. Now is the time to watch and I don't plan to make any major changes for a while. 🚀

4 orang suka ini

Now the time has come and reserves are being invested in the new and promising projects with high potential. A new bull run is expected.

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