Jangan berinvestasi kecuali Anda siap kehilangan semua uang yang Anda investasikan. Mata uang kripto adalah investasi berisiko tinggi yang bisa sangat fluktuatif dan Anda tidak boleh berharap untuk terlindungi jika terjadi kesalahan. Luangkan waktu 2 menit untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut.

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Kinerja Strategi Limestone Investment

Kinerja Strategi Limestone Investment

Mei 2, 2024
Mei 9, 2024

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Strategi kami berfokus pada pemilihan landasan masa depan web3 dan keuangan desentralisasi untuk membangun pertumbuhan modal yang tinggi.

Kinerja & Risiko

Kinerja & Risiko
Pengembalian Tahunan
Maks. Drawdown
-88,50 %
+2,26 %
+2,30 %



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Perubahan struktur

Perubahan struktur

Perubahan struktur terakhir
8 Mei 2024 17.41.16
Jumlah perubahan struktur dalam 30 hari terakhir


As the end of the year approaches, traders stop trading altcoins and consequently move into the big cryptocurrencies. We’re moving 100% of assets into $BTC and $ETH to front run this.

Happy new year to everyone! Let’s make 2024 our best financial year to date.

3 orang suka ini

Moving 100% of capital into $ETH on rumours of Blackrock filing for an ETF this week.

2 orang suka ini

Amazon comes to crypto, partners with $AVAX and then announces an NFT initiative. Latter is not confirmed to be with Avalanch yet, so adding some exposure to $AVAX on the rumours.

2 orang suka ini

Ethereum against bitcoin is continuing to grind lower. Some altcoins are having fun right now, but $BTC is on the verge of moving up to $25k. Moving 100% into the orange coin.  

3 orang suka ini

An uptrend is taking shape in crypto again. It comes against the backdrop of weaking currencies, a more constructive macroeconomic environment and a growing drumbeat of progress in digital asset adoption. A brief breakdown:

The inflation rally seems to have topped out, likely the result of expectations that the central banks reverse course by mid-2023. It would take some fairly shocking inflation prints to force rates and the USD out of its current inflection state and back into what we've seen in the first half of 2022.

The sources of disruption from the Russia-Ukraine conflict have reached a state of choppy equillibirum. In the absence of new geopolitical developments, a reduction in volatility should result in stabelizing markets and higher asset prices.

US politics are likely to shift as well. In the event that Republicans manage to take back control of government, it would seem probable that they will reinstate lower taxes, higher stimulus and easier legislations.

Lastly, without much fanfare, crypto is racking up adoption milestones that would've fueled spectacular rallies in the 2021 crypto markets. Elon/Twitter is posting headlines and crypto seems to be viewed as a more positive force of technological innovation by the more traditional institutions.

With all of this going on, prices are essentially unchanged since mid-summer and do not yet reflect the shifting macroeconomic, political and micro/fundamental winds. Strong adoption narratives can lead to parabolic rallies, we've learned from the past. I will be putting more energy in trading the markets now that depression has hit its peak and disbelief will dominate the news.


3 orang suka ini