Jangan berinvestasi kecuali Anda siap kehilangan semua uang yang Anda investasikan. Mata uang kripto adalah investasi berisiko tinggi yang bisa sangat fluktuatif dan Anda tidak boleh berharap untuk terlindungi jika terjadi kesalahan. Luangkan waktu 2 menit untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut.

Kembali ke Strategi
Tanda risiko imbalan

Aggressive Strategy


Strategi Penyalinan Aset


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Kinerja Strategi Aggressive Strategy

Kinerja Strategi Aggressive Strategy

Mei 2, 2024
Mei 9, 2024

Tentang Strategi ini

Tentang Strategi ini

Strategi ini akan menjadi agresif dan akan sepenuhnya menjadi penanda ketika saya melihat konfirmasi di pasar tradisional atau ketika saya akan memastikan BTC dan crypto decopuls.

Kinerja & Risiko

Kinerja & Risiko
Pengembalian Tahunan
Maks. Drawdown
-74,56 %
+9,48 %
+2,46 %



Lihat struktur

Perubahan struktur

Perubahan struktur

Perubahan struktur terakhir
5 Mei 2024 18.13.52
Jumlah perubahan struktur dalam 30 hari terakhir


Briefly about me.

I will manage approximately 10 coins on the iconomy. I will do my best to make as much profit as possible , but I will also try protect you from possible falls.

I will always be available for you at the discourse, where I will publish news about the market and investments.

We are here in the long run, so trust the process and we will all be overjoyed at the end

We have this

18 orang suka ini


Hello investors!

As we are experiencing our first drawdown in the beginning of April, I would like to encourage all of you, to look at this investment as a LONG TERM thing and look at the big picture.

I have been in this market for 6 years and have experience way larger market drops than we are having right now. I have always been putting small amounts of my money into the markets, whenever the largest drops occured. The lower the market was, the bigger my gains would eventually be.

Remember that cypto markets are VERY YOUNG. That means that very big gains are to be made, but there WILL BE large drawdowns along the way. Keep in mind, that we are all investing in a way, that we can only loose money, if we sell in a drawdown! NOBODY can predict the exact timing of the market drops and neither can we.

So if you find yourself being too nervous, watching the drawdowns on your account, i suggest you:

1.)    Lower your overall investment capital to an amount, that you are comfortable with

2.)    Take a good look at an investment plan example, that we sent you in an email, and create one for yourself.

3.)    Do not sell in a loss!

This way, you can be comfortable with your investing and we can calmly make nice gains                    over in the long run.

10 orang suka ini