N'investis pas si tu n'es pas prêt à perdre tout l'argent investi. Les crypto-monnaies sont un investissement à haut risque qui peut être très volatil et tu ne dois pas t'attendre à être protégé si quelque chose tourne mal. Prends 2 minutes pour en savoir plus.

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Inevitable Crypto


Actifs Copiant la Stratégie

3 827 €

Nombre de copieurs


Inevitable CryptoPerformance de la Stratégie

Inevitable CryptoPerformance de la Stratégie

avr. 11, 2024
avr. 18, 2024

À propos de cette Stratégie

À propos de cette Stratégie

Ma stratégie semi-active en matière de crypto-monnaies équilibre le potentiel de croissance et la stabilité à long terme. Mon objectif ? Surperformer un portefeuille "classique" composé de 50 % de BTC et de 50 % d'ETH.

Performance & Risques

Performance & Risques
Retour Annualisé
+10,82 %
Max. Prélèvement
-94,79 %
-15,17 %
+3,09 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
Tether5,00 %
Voir la structure

Changements de structure

Changements de structure

Dernier changement de structure
14 avr. 2024, 02:11:32
Nombre de changements de structure au cours des 30 derniers jours


Inevitable Crypto
12 janv., 2024

Navigating Crypto Success: The Inevitable Profit-Driven Strategy

Embark on a journey of strategic cryptocurrency investing with my Inevitable Crypto Fund. Here's how I navigate market cycles, positioning you for success: Historically, we have seen these 6 phases in the bull run cycles in 2014, 2017, and 2021.

  • Phase 1: Bitcoin Rally

My Approach: Secure your foundation with Bitcoin and Ethereum, capitalizing on their market-leading momentum.

  • Phase 2: The Prices of $ETH and Other High Market Cap Altcoins Pump

My Approach: Diversify intelligently with top 25 altcoins chosen for robust fundamentals and growth potential.

  • Phase 3: Mid and Low Market Cap Altcoins Pump

My Approach: Expand seamlessly into the top 100 altcoins, capturing emerging opportunities for a diversified portfolio.

  • Phase 4: Micro-Cap Utility Tokens Attract Attention:

My Approach: Capitalize on innovation with micro-cap utility tokens, carefully selected for genuine utility and visionary development.

  • End game: The Big Crash:

My Approach: Harness market corrections strategically, accumulating assets at discounted prices for a resilient portfolio.Profit Allocation Strategy: I prioritize your success with a meticulous profit-taking strategy, hitting predefined profit targets to secure gains and optimize your portfolio performance. Adaptability is key.

Join me on this inevitable journey, where we unlock the full potential of your crypto investments. Success awaits as we navigate the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies together.

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4 personnes aiment ça
Inevitable Crypto
8 déc., 2023

Changed the fee structure. No more take a fee just for the fact that you copy my strategy. Only when we both win, a fee is in place. Feels better to my friends who follow me.

2 personnes aiment ça
Inevitable Crypto
5 nov., 2022

'Locking' last week's 10% gain in USDT. Let's see how the market unfolds this weekend.

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Inevitable Crypto
1 mars, 2022

The last weeks of February made up for the difficult months of December and January. With a gain of more than 45% this month, this fund is one of the top 10% best-performing funds. The same also applies to the 3-month period December - January.

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