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Retour aux Stratégies
Tag 'Risque-Récompense'Tag 'La peau dans le jeu'Tag 'Indice de Stratégie'

Index First 20 each 5 Percent


Actifs Copiant la Stratégie

13 131 €

Nombre de copieurs


Index First 20 each 5 PercentPerformance de la Stratégie

Index First 20 each 5 PercentPerformance de la Stratégie

avr. 20, 2024
avr. 27, 2024

À propos de cette Stratégie

À propos de cette Stratégie

J'achèterai les premières pièces en fonction de la capitalisation boursière. Aucune Stable-Coins, aucune pièce inflationniste, aucune pièce enveloppée, aucune pièce mème n'est destinée à être achetée. Le rééquilibrage régulier est prévu tous les mois. Cela dépend des fluctuations du marché. Je ne veux pas perdre la performance avec les frais.

Performance & Risques

Performance & Risques
Retour Annualisé
+37,33 %
Max. Prélèvement
-82,55 %
-0,01 %
+3,02 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
Tether5,00 %
Voir la structure

Changements de structure

Changements de structure

Dernier changement de structure
11 avr. 2024, 09:08:42
Nombre de changements de structure au cours des 30 derniers jours


This is my crypto-Index-like strategy. Building my own ETF with the following rules: For my strategy i will buy the first coins by market cap, each 5 percent. No stableCoin, no inflationary coin, no wrapped coin is intended to be bought. Rebalancing regularly, perhaps every month, it depends on the market. I don’t want to loose performance with fees.Low fees for You, only one percent performance and copy fee.

5 personnes aiment ça

Hi, did the rebalancing. Added $LDO and $NEAR .

I had to decrease $SOL, it did very well.

2 personnes aiment ça

Regularly I did the rebalancing. Not really happy with the crypto market, but happy with the performance of the Fund compared to the market. The market meanwhile goes risk on and the altcoins will perform better than btc. So will the fund with $ETH $MATIC  $BNB  $MANA  $SOL $ADA $FTT $XRP and so on  

2 personnes aiment ça

I am very satisfied with the development of my fund. Some coins went very well and were therefor heavily overweighted. I assume that the other coins will now run better and have therefor done the rebalancing today. 

2 personnes aiment ça

Yesterday, late at night, I realized that I have to add $AXS and to drop $ICP .

Glad I did it immediately. Already 10 % performance with $AXS.

I would like to drop meme-coins out of my structure, $SHIB. Like I did it already with $DOGE . I don't get happy with them longterm. No working project behind, depending on some influencers. I will wait for an opportunity to do it. Today the drop is to big. Waiting for a recovery.

4 personnes aiment ça