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PAX Gold


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Past performanceis not indicative of future results. EUR (€) currency fluctuations can cause returns to go up or down. Returns shown are before fees.See feesandasset data disclosurefor more details.



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PAX Gold (PAXG) History and Overview

PAX Gold (PAXG) History and Overview

PAX Gold (PAXG) carves its niche in the cryptocurrency domain as a distinctive ERC-20 stablecoin, providing investors with fractional ownership of physical gold reserves securely stored in London vaults. Unlike conventional stablecoins, PAXG is not tethered to a fiat currency like the US dollar or euro but is directly linked to physical gold.

Intrinsic Value and Security

PAXG stands out for its intrinsic value and security, with each token equivalent to one troy ounce of a 400-ounce London Good Delivery gold bar, safeguarded in accredited gold vaults. Consequently, the value of PAXG is intrinsically tied to the real-time market value of that physical gold, ensuring that the token represents actual gold ownership and its price fluctuates with the market value of gold.

Potential Risks

When investing in PAX Gold (PAXG), it's important to be aware of the potential risks involved. The value of PAXG is subject to daily fluctuations in the gold market, which can be influenced by factors such as economic conditions and political events. Additionally, changes in government regulations can impact the use and value of PAXG tokens and introduce new compliance requirements. There is also a risk of redemption, where PAXG tokens may not be redeemable if the custodian fails to make the underlying assets available or if the issuer becomes insolvent. PAXG is also subject to depreciation risk, meaning its value can decrease if the value of the underlying gold drops or if the administrative organisation faces issues. Finally, operational risks related to the management and security of digital assets require secure storage and management of private keys associated with digital wallets to mitigate the risk of unauthorised access or loss.

There is also a possibility that PAXG could become de-pegged from its underlying asset, which could impact its value and stability.

How To Buy PAX Gold or Add it to your Strategy

The fastest, most convenient way to purchase PAX Gold is to purchase it on ICONOMI. We check PAX Gold live prices on 10+ crypto exchanges and buy it at the best market price.

You can buy PAX Gold by adding it to your private Crypto Strategy (crypto portfolio). You can also use our recurring buy feature that tends to level out cryptocurrency price volatility effects. You can find out more about how to benefit from smaller investments at regular intervals on our blog article.

We recommend you do your own research and cryptocurrency analysis. Experienced crypto traders use fundamental and technical analysis to evaluate if PAX Gold is a good buy/sell. Fundamental and technical analyses are the two most common types of analysis used in trading traditional assets (e.g. stocks and bonds).

If you are unfamiliar with analyzing cryptocurrency prices and want to buy PAX Gold, we recommend you read the next section, as copying might be a better approach.

Add PAX Gold to your portfolio by copying a Strategy

If you are not skilled at these, consider a different approach to investing in cryptocurrencies. You can learn from and copy seasoned crypto traders on ICONOMI who regularly share their insights and manage their public Crypto Strategies. Go to the strategies page and use the “ticker” filter to find out which public Crypto Strategies have PAX Gold in their structure.


Here you can read and comment on all posts made by Strategists about PAX Gold PAXG. See all PAX Gold price predictions in real time and make the best use of their crypto knowledge.

8 Aug, 2024


Ob turbulentnosti na trgih smo prilagodili strategijo trenutnim razmeram na trgu. Izenačili smo ponder $BTC in $ETH. Hkrati smo povečali utež žetona vezanega na zlato $PAXG in $SOL, ki ohranja visoke nivoje💪✌️

7 people like this
23 Jul, 2024

Obetavne napovedi 🚀

V pričakovanju volitev v ZDA in veliki verjetnosti za zmago podpornika bitcoina, se za risk-on naložbe (kriptovalute) pričakuje zelena jesen. ✅


Pojavila so se ugibanja, da bo Trump na konferenci ta teden naznanil uvedbo strateških rezerv države v Bitcoinu ob njegovem predsedovanju. 

Optimizem v kripto svetu spodbujajo zapleti v demokratskem taboru. Biden je v nedeljo izstopil iz tekme za naslednji predsedniški stolček, pričakuje se da ga bo v kandidaturi zamenjala Kamala Harris.


  • Fear& greed index se vse bolj nagiba na ponovni pohlep vlagateljev  64/100 točk 📈📈
  • Prihajajoča Altcoin sezona (alti outperformajo Bitcoin🚀)

Prejšnji teden so spot BTC ETFs doživeli pritok v vrednosti $1,2 milijard💰💰 kar je dobra popotnica tudi za jutrišnje lansiranje ETH ETF skladov. 

Blackrock in druščina so objavili podrobnosti o prihajajočih ETH ETF skladih. Večina bo v začetni fazi imela ničelno provizijo, med njimi pa ne bo ravno Blackrocka, ki bo že v začetku uvedel provizijo.

Skrbi vzbujajo visoke provizije prihajajočega Grayscale sklada, kar se lahko ob prenizkem povpraševanju odrazi v obliki odlivov, kot pri Bitcoin ETF skladu v začetku leta.  

Ob prihajajoči altcoin sezoni in potencialnem uspešnem začetku trgovanja z spot ETH skladi se nadejamo visokih rasti. Zato smo v strategiji povečali utež $ETH in sorazmerno zmanjšali utež $BTC. V strategijo smo dodali Arbitrum $ARB kot L2 rešitev na Ethereumu ter tokenizirano zlato $PAXG, ki imata velik potencial za rast.

#ToTheMoon 🌔

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4 people like this
22 Apr, 2024


To take advantage of the negative correlation between the Dow and gold, I chose gold

Because its seasonal patterns were likely to be the opposite of the Dow Jones seasonal patterns

I tested the matter on historical data for the $PAXG gold market to catch a seasonal pattern that achieves returns such as buy and hold only

That is, I was looking for the months responsible for the return on buying and holding gold, and I also found an impressive seasonal pattern.

I combined the seasonal pattern of gold with the seasonal pattern of the Dow Jones in one portfolio and the result is impressive

You can download the excel file to check everything

Dow Jones profile from 1900 to present

Gold and Dow Jones file from 1975 until now

If you liked this research, like this post.

This gives me the motivation to bring you more research that I do myself.

🔵The Strategist


⚫️ Disclaimer

▪️ The results do not constitute investment advice or recommendation, are provided for informational purposes only, and are not an offer to buy or sell any crypto assets.

▪️ Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. 

▪️ Investing involves risks, including the possibility of losing capital.

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7 people like this
17 Apr, 2024

Despite good performance since the the last rebalance on Saturday, we have decided to take the risk off and put a portion of our strategy into $USDT and $PAXG. As we have said before, halving is a major event when a lot of market manipulation will happen, we can see that the ETFs don't have the effect we expected and the market makers haven't said their last thing. Our strategy remains the same, enter the market in the next dip, but stay after we are fully allocated after the halving. Have a good night and don't worry 😜

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3 people like this

Bold move. Time will soon tell if it was the right one. I did it just the oposite. Thats lowered the amount of $USDT in portfolio.

13 Apr, 2024

While many people new to the crypto market consider $BTC to be a safe haven when something unnatural occurs, such as a war.

As you can see, you don't see him flying :)

The cryptocurrency market, like the stock market, is considered a risky investment.

The only winner in abnormal events is $PAXG only.

3 people like this

You are right. We always "trust" just to the specific level of trust ofc. Some more, some less. PAXG go under more, XAUR was under less ;)

@NastyWaffle Anyway you should not trust $PAXG as it is not real Gold, but rather (Gold-backed token) this means that there are additional hidden risks here.

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PAX Gold Price FAQ

What Is the Highest Price of PAX Gold (PAXG) in EUR?

PAX Gold (PAXG) price history shows the highest value of 2,338.96 EUR . We recorded this price on September 16, 2024, but we cannot exclude that a higher price was registered before February 24, 2021.

What Is the Lowest Price of PAX Gold (PAXG) in EUR?
How to buy PAX Gold (PAXG)?
What Is the Current Price of PAX Gold (PAXG) in EUR?
Is PAX Gold (PAXG) a good investment?